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This example will present:

  • how to connect to the blockchain via a node

  • how to create and use an account

  • how to interact with a contract or simply send a transaction

Connect to a Node

We are supposed to connect to the Conflux network via a node. You can run a node locally following this tutorial. In this example, we use Conflux public RPC endpoint to connect to Conflux testnet.

from conflux_web3 import Web3

w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider("https://test.confluxrpc.com"))
assert w3.is_connected()

Create an Account

In web3, owning an account means knowing a secret, which is called private key/secret key. In other words, who knows the private key owns the account. So the key should be kept secret,

We can create a new account from w3.account.create(). This function creates an account from a random generated secret key.

It is also supported to use w3.account.from_key("0x....") to use your secret key (but don’t run it in an unsafe environment!)

acct = w3.account.create()
print(f"account address: {acct.address}")
# WARNING: Don't run the following line in unsafe environment, private key should be kept secret
print(f"account secret key: {acct.key.hex()}")
balance = w3.cfx.get_balance(acct.address)
# this is a random accoun, so its balance should be 0
assert balance == 0
print(f"balance for {acct.address}: {balance}")
account address: cfxtest:aaswj28188e35rh1vguksgnuz2xy4f8apye3745zxb
account secret key: 0x54d957b2485980fc2119ccce6480ad0d53219161595424fbf7dc452d59c6bc82
balance for cfxtest:aaswj28188e35rh1vguksgnuz2xy4f8apye3745zxb: 0 Drip

Claim CFX via Testnet Faucet Contract

Because the account’s balance is 0, it cannot afford the transaction fee (gas) to send a transaction. However, Conflux’s sponsorship mechanism allows user to interact with a smart contract without paying gas, so we can claim CFX from testnet faucet contract.

smart contract: A smart contract is a program deployed on the blockchain. It provides interfaces to complete specific logic. In the example, invoking the claimCfx method of faucet contract will give you 1000 testnet CFX.

# Firstly we will set `w3.cfx.default_account` to `acct`, 
# after that transactions can be automatically singed and sent.
w3.cfx.default_account = acct

# interact with testnet Faucet contract
faucet = w3.cfx.contract(name="Faucet")
tx_hash = faucet.functions.claimCfx().transact()

print(f"tx hash is: {tx_hash.hex()}\n"
      f"confluxscan link: https://testnet.confluxscan.net/transaction/{tx_hash.hex()}")
tx hash is: 0xf174cf4be19b33da58504ef850bfd055bd031324135093276abbee1c34df854d
conflux scan link: https://testnet.confluxscan.net/transaction/0xf174cf4be19b33da58504ef850bfd055bd031324135093276abbee1c34df854d
# in Conflux, the transaction will be executed only after it appears on the chain for 5 epoch
# `tx_hash.executed()` is equivalent to `w3.cfx.wait_for_transaction_receipt(tx_hash)`
# Drip and CFX are token units in Conflux network
# 1 CFX = 10**18 Drip
print(f"balance for {acct.address}: {w3.cfx.get_balance(acct.address).to('CFX')}")
balance for cfxtest:aaswj28188e35rh1vguksgnuz2xy4f8apye3745zxb: 1000 CFX

Transfer CFX

Now we can afford the transaction fee to transfer. For example, we can send 1 CFX to zero address.

# Now acct has CFX
# send 1 CFX to zero address
    "to": w3.address.zero_address(),
    "value": 10**18,
print(f"balance for {acct.address}: {w3.cfx.get_balance(acct.address).to('CFX')}")
balance for cfxtest:aaswj28188e35rh1vguksgnuz2xy4f8apye3745zxb: 998.999979 CFX