Trace Transaction Status

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# preparation: init w3 instance and prepare transaction hash object tx_hash
from conflux_web3 import Web3

w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(""))
acct = w3.account.create()
w3.cfx.default_account = acct
faucet = w3.cfx.contract(name="Faucet")

# get a tx_hash
tx_hash = faucet.functions.claimCfx().transact()

Status of a Transaction in Conflux

In Conflux, transaction will witness several periods after it is sent:

  1. pending: the transaction is sent, but not contained in any block

  2. mined: the transaction is already contained in a block, but might not be executed

  3. executed: the transaction is executed

  4. confirmed: the transaction is confirmed under PoW chain confirmation rule, which means it is extremly unlikely to be reverted unless the PoW chain is under attack.

  5. finalized: the transaction is finalized by PoS chain, which means the transaction is impossible to revert, but it would take 4~6 minutes before a transaction is finalized.

Trace the Status of a Transaction

We can use w3.cfx.wait_till_transaction_mined, w3.cfx.wait_till_transaction_executed, w3.cfx.wait_till_transaction_confirmed, w3.cfx.wait_till_transaction_finalized to wait until transaction reached specific status.

if False: # 4~6 minutes is needed

Syntactic Sugar

We often need to trace the status of the sent transaction, so SDK wraps the returned hex transaction hash from send_transacation or send_raw_transaction to visit the above APIs easily.

if False: